Updated on 2025-03-08

Conditional parameters in Mybatis-Plus

Conditional parameters of Mybatis-Plus

1. After configuring Mybatis-Plus

Eliminate the hassle of writing SQL

It also reduces the occurrence rate of bugs

Improved efficiency

It is a good strategy

2. Mybatis-Plus conditional parameters used

Query method illustrate
where WHERE statement, splicing + WHERE condition
and AND statement, splicing + AND field = value
or OR statement, splicing + OR field = value!!! Actively calling or means that the next method is not connected with and then! (If or not calls or, the default is to use and connection)
eq Equal to =
allEq Based on map content equals =
ne Not equal to <>
gt Greater than>
ge greater than or equal to >=
lt Less than <
le Less than or equal to <=
like Fuzzy query LIKE
likeLeft LIKE ‘% value’
likeRight LIKE 'value %'
notLike Fuzzy query NOT LIKE
in IN (v0, v1, …)
notIn NOT IN (v0, v1, …)
inSql IN (sql statement)
notInSql Field NOT IN (sql statement)
isNull NULL value query
groupBy GROUP BY Field, …
having HAVING (sql statement)
orderBy ORDER BY field, …
orderByAsc ORDER BY Field, … ASC
orderByDesc ORDER BY field, … DESC
exists EXISTS conditional statement
notExists NOT EXISTS Conditional Statement
between BETWEEN conditional statement
notBetween NOT BETWEEN conditional statement
addFilter Free splicing SQL
last Ignore the optimization rules and splice them directly to the end of sql!!! Can only be called once, multiple calls shall prevail the last time. There is a risk of sql injection, please use it with caution
apply Splicing SQL

3. Directly through wrapper

Conditions behind splicing SQL

        (column, val1, val2)
        (columns)  //Responsive grouping in SQL        (column, params) //Equivalent to where conditions        (column, value) // sql in        (column, value) // sql not in        (columns, isAsc) //Sort        (value) //Relative to exists query in sql        (value) //Equivalent to not exists query in SQL        (column, val1, val2) //Equivalent to the between used in SQL within a certain scope        (column, params) //Greater than or equal to        (column, params) // Less than or equal to        (column, value) //Fuzzy query        (sqlHaving, params) //condition


The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.