Point-cut expression
In Spring AOP, a connection point always represents the execution of the method. Point-cutting is a predicate that matches the connection point, and point-cutting expression language describes the point-cutting programmatically.
Point-cut expressions are something we mainly focus on in addition to AOP logic. This summary explains various expressions. There are currently 9 ways to write point-cut expressions in spring aop.
1. Execute expression
Intercept any public method
execution(public * *(..))
Intercept any method starting with set
execution(* set*(..))
Intercepting methods in classes or interfaces
InterceptAccountService(kind、interface)All methods defined in execution(* .*(..))
Intercept methods defined in packages, not methods in subpackages
Intercept any method in all classes in the package,**Not included**Classes in subpackages execution(* .*.*(..))
Methods defined in intercept packages or subpackages
Intercept all methods defined in packages or subpackages execution(* ..*.*(..))
2. within expression
Expression format: package name.* or package name…*
Intercept any method in the packet, not including the method in the subpackage
InterceptserviceAny method of any class in the package within(.*)
Methods defined in intercept packages or subpackages
InterceptserviceAny method of any class in a package and subpackage within(..*)
3. This expression
A proxy object is intercepted for a specified type
Target object usageaopThe generated proxy object must be of the specified type before it will be intercepted,Note that the proxy object generated after the target object is proxyed will only be intercepted if the specified type matches the specified type. this()
The use of this expression may not be easy to understand. Let me borrow an example to illustrate:
package .demo1; public interface IService { void m1(); } package .demo1; import .slf4j.Slf4j; import ; @Slf4j @Component public class ServiceImpl implements IService { @Override public void m1() { ("Start this test!"); } } package .demo1; import .slf4j.Slf4j; import ; import ; import ; import ; import ; @Aspect @Component @Slf4j public class Interceptor1 { @Pointcut("this(.)") public void pointcut() { } @Around("pointcut()") public Object invoke(ProceedingJoinPoint invocation) throws Throwable { ("Before method execution"); Object result = (); ("Method execution is completed"); return result; } } package .demo1; import .slf4j.Slf4j; import ; import ; import ; @ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = {}) @EnableAspectJAutoProxy @Slf4j public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { AnnotationConfigApplicationContext annotationConfigApplicationContext = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(); IService service = (); service.m1(); ("{}", service instanceof ServiceImpl); } }
Execution results
10:27:12.277 [main] INFO . - Point-cut this test!
10:27:12.277 [main] INFO . - false
- @EnableAspectJAutoProxy: means that if an object created by spring implements an interface, the default is to use jdk dynamic proxy. If the interface is not implemented, use cglib to create a proxy object. Therefore, the service is an object generated by jdk dynamic proxy. Service instanceof ServiceImpl is false
- @Pointcut("this(.)") means that the object generated after being proxyed by spring must be . to be intercepted, but the service is not a ServiceImpl type object [this is because the default JDK dynamic proxy is used, so AOP generates a proxy object, so the service is not a ServiceImpl type object], so it will not be intercepted
Modify the code
@EnableAspectJAutoProxy(proxyTargetClass = true) proxyTargetClass=trueIndicates mandatory usecglibTo generate proxy objects
Execution results:
10:34:50.755 [main] INFO . - Point-cut this test!
10:34:50.756 [main] INFO .demo1.Interceptor1 - The method execution is completed
10:34:50.756 [main] INFO . - true
service is an object of type ServiceImpl, so it will be intercepted, because students who are familiar with CGLIB's theoretical knowledge know that the proxy object generated by CGLIB is a subclass of the source type, so service must be an object of type ServiceImpl, because polymorphism belongs to relationships.
4. Target expression
The target object is intercepted for the specified type
target() The target object isAccountServiceTypes will be proxyed
The difference between this and target
- This acts on the proxy object, and target acts on the target object
- This means that the proxy object generated after the target object is proxyed and the specified type match will be intercepted, and the matching proxy object is
- target means that the target object and the specified type match will be intercepted, and the target object matches
5. args expression
Match the parameters in the method
There is only one parameter for matching,And the type is .@Pointcut("args(.)")
- Match multiple parameters args(type1,type2,typeN)
Match any multiple parameters
Match the first parameter type as.All methods, .. Indicates any parameter @Pointcut("args(.,..)")
6. @target expression
The matching target object class has a specified annotation
Included in the target object.Annotation1annotation,Any method that calls the target object will be intercepted @target(.Annotation1)
7. @within expression
Specifies that the match must contain all connection points in a class that has annotation
Statement has.Annotation1All methods in the annotated class will be intercepted @within(.Annotation1)
The difference between @target and @within
- @target(Annotation A): determines whether annotation A is declared in the called target object. If so, it will be intercepted.
- @within(Annotation A): Determines whether annotation A is declared in the class to which the called method belongs. If so, it will be intercepted
- @target focuses on the called object, @within focuses on the class where the called method is located
8. @annotation expression
Match the method with specified annotations (annotations are used on the method)
The called method contains the specified annotation
9. @args expression
The method parameter belongs to the type specified annotation and is matched
Note: There are specified annotations on the type to which the method parameter belongs, not the method parameter
Match 1 parameter, and the class to which the first parameter belongs has Anno1 annotation
- @args(.demo1.Anno1)
- Match multiple parameters, and the types to which multiple parameters belong have specified annotations
- @args(.demo1.Anno1,.demo1.Anno2)
- Match multiple parameters, and the first parameter belongs to the Anno1 annotation
- @args(.demo2.Anno1,…)
Point-cut expression combination
In addition, the three operators of &&, ||, !, can be used to combine point-cut expressions to represent the relationship with or non.
@Pointcut("@target()") public void repositoryMethods() {} @Pointcut("execution(* *..create*(Long,..))") public void firstLongParamMethods() {} @Pointcut("repositoryMethods() && firstLongParamMethods()") public void entityCreationMethods() {}
The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.