The following content is the full description of how to solve the error of JQuery introduced by Eclipse. The specific content is as follows:
first step:
Remove eclipse's JS verification:
Set windows->preference->Java Script->Validator->Errors/Warnings->
Remove the hook in front of Enable Javascript Sematic validation;
Step 2:
Right-click the project -> properties -> Builders Remove the checkmark in front of JavaScript Validator, if there is no JavaScript Validator in Builders. Then go to the .project file to modify the following content:
Find the project directory and delete the following parts in the .project file in the project directory:
<buildCommand> <name></name> <arguments></arguments> </buildCommand>
and <nature></nature>
Note that modifying the .project file may require restarting eclipse, or closing the project in eclipse and then opening the project again.
Step 3:
Copy the js file to a certain place, then delete the error from eclipse directly, the error disappears, and then copy the js file just now.
If the above is not correct after doing it, open the Problems view in Eclipse, select the relevant errors, and solve them according to the prompts.