Updated on 2025-03-08

How to write a function that creates an FTP site?

Function ASTCreateFtpSite(IPAddress, RootDirectory, ServerComment, HostName, PortNum, Computer, Start,LogFileDirectory)
    Dim MSFTPSVC, FtpServer, NewFtpServer, NewDir
    Dim Bindings, BindingString, NewBindings, Index, SiteObj, bDone
        On Error Resume Next
        Set MSFTPSVC = GetObject("IIS://" & Computer & "/MSFTPSVC")
        If  <> 0 Then
Unable to open: "&"IIS://" & Computer & "/MSFTPSVC" & VbCrlf & "The program will exit!"
        End If

        BindingString = IpAddress & ":" & PortNum & ":" & HostName
        For Each FtpServer in MSFTPSVC
            If ="IIsFtpServer" Then
            Bindings = 
            If BindingString = Bindings(0) Then
oh,IPAddress conflict:" & IpAddress & ",Please checkIPaddress!" & VbCrlf & "Cancel the creation of this site."
                Exit Function
            End If
            End If

        Index = 1
        bDone = False

        While (Not bDone)
            Set SiteObj = GetObject("IIS://"&Computer&"/MSFTPSVC/" & Index)
            If ( = 0) Then
                Index = Index + 1
                Set NewFtpServer = ("IIsFtpServer", Index)
                If ( <> 0) Then
                    Index = Index + 1
                    Set SiteObj = GetObject("IIS://"&Computer&"/MSFTPSVC/" & Index)
                    If ( = 0) Then
                        bDone = True
                        Index = Index + 1
                    End If
                End If
            End If

            If (Index > 10000) Then
oh,Create site exception!The serial number of the site being created is:"&Index&"." & VbCrlf & "Cancel the creation of this site."
                Exit Function
            End If

        NewBindings = Array(0)
        NewBindings(0) = BindingString
         = NewBindings
         = ServerComment
         = False
         = True
         = True
         = False
         = LogFileDirectory

        Set NewDir = ("IIsFtpVirtualDir", "ROOT")
         = RootDirectory
         = true
        If ( = 0) Then
oh,An error occurred while creating the home directory!"
        End If

        If Start = True Then
            Set NewFtpServer = GetObject("IIS://" & Computer & "/MSFTPSVC/" & Index)
            If  <> 0 Then
oh,An error occurred while starting the site!"
            End If
        End If    
        ASTCreateFtpSite = Index
End Function