Updated on 2025-03-09

Vue3(ts) uses vee-validate form verification, custom global verification rules description

Note: The styles in this article introduce tailwindcss

Install and introduce

  • yarn add vee-validate
  • or npm i vee-validate --save
  • Or pnpm add vee-validate

Define global verification rules

Create a new file in the Utils directory (I am using ts here, if you use js, you will create a js file)

Examples of the content are as follows:

import { defineRule } from 'vee-validate';
defineRule('required', (value: string ) => {
    if (!value || !) {
        return 'This field cannot be empty';
    return true;
defineRule('email', (value: string ) => {
    if (!value || !) {
        return 'The email address cannot be empty';
    if (!/[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}/.test(value)) {
        return 'Please enter a valid email address';
    return true;

Then introduce it in

import '@/utils/validate'


      <Form class="flex flex-col text-white w-full px-8" @submit="onLogin()">
        <div class="flex items-center pb-2 relative" style="border-bottom: 1px solid white">
          <Field class="border-none ml-3 bg-transparent focus:outline-none text-primary-smallTitle" name="email" rules="email" type="email" v-model=""></Field>
          <ErrorMessage name="email" class="error" />
        <button class="w-full text-white bg-purple-300 py-3 mt-12 border-none rounded-lg hover:bg-purple-400 cursor-pointer">Log in</button>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { reactive } from 'vue';
import { Form, Field, ErrorMessage } from 'vee-validate';
interface UserForm {
  email: string;
const formState = reactive<UserForm>({
  email: ''
const onLogin =() => {
<style scoped>
.error {
  color: red;
  position: absolute;
  bottom: -20px;
  left: 0;
  font-size: 14px;


The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.