Updated on 2025-03-08

Detailed explanation of Java Varargs variable parameters usage

Java1.5 provides a new feature called varargs, which is variable length parameters.

"Varargs" means "variable number of arguments". Sometimes it is simply called "variable arguments".

A method to define variable number of real parameters: as long as three consecutive "." (i.e. "..." is added between the "type" and "parameter name" of a formal parameter (i.e. "...", an ellipsis in the sentence in English), it can match an uncertain real parameter.

The following example creates the sumvarargs() method to count the values ​​of all numbers.

We have added 4 parameters to the Main method here, new int[]{10, 12, 33, 7}. In fact, you can continuously add different parameters here, and the method of calculating sum can be processed according to the parameters you added.


Please refer to the source code on GitHub:



package ;

import org.;
import org.;

 * variable arguments use case
public class VarargsCase {
  private static final Logger logger = ();

   * sumVarargs
   * @param intArrays
   * @return
  static int sumVarargs(int... intArrays) {
    int sum, i;
    sum = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < ; i++) {
      sum += intArrays[i];
    return (sum);

   * Main Function
   * @param args
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    int sum = 0;
    sum = sumVarargs(new int[]{10, 12, 33, 7});
    ("The Sum of the arrays: {}", sum);


The output result of the program running is:

2020/01/27 14:33:52 DEBUG [] - The Sum of the arrays: 62

Extended Learning

Java instance - Varargs mutable parameters use

ava1.5 provides a new function called varargs, which is variable length parameters.

"Varargs" means "variable number of arguments". Sometimes it is simply called "variable arguments"

A method to define variable number of real parameters: as long as three consecutive "." (i.e. "..." is added between the "type" and "parameter name" of a formal parameter (i.e. "...", an ellipsis in the sentence in English), it can match an uncertain real parameter.

The following example creates the sumvarargs() method to count the values ​​of all numbers:


public class Main {
  static int sumvarargs(int... intArrays){
    int sum, i;
    for(i=0; i&lt; ; i++) {
      sum += intArrays[i];
  public static void main(String args[]){
    int sum=0;
    sum = sumvarargs(new int[]{10,12,33});
    ("The sum of numbers added is: " + sum);

The output result of the above code running is:

The sum of the numbers is: 55

The above are all the relevant knowledge points introduced this time. If you have any additional content, please contact my editor.