This article describes the simple paging classes and usage of PHP implementation. Share it for your reference, as follows:
<?php /* * use: * $page = new Page (connector, query statement, current page number, size per page, page number character) * Connector: A MYSQL connection identifier. If the parameter is left blank, the most recent connection is used. * Query statement: SQL statement * Current page number: Specify which page is currently * Size per page: Number of records displayed per page * Page number character: Specify the current page URL format * * Example of use: * $sql = "select * from aa"; * $page = new Page($conn,$sql,$_GET['page'],4,"?page="); * * Get the current page number * $page->page; * * Get the total number of pages * $page->pageCount; * * Get the total number of records * $page->rowCount; * * Get the number of records on this page * $page->listSize; * * Obtain record set * $page->list; * Recordset is a 2-dimensional array, example: list[0]['id'] accesses the id field value of the first record. * * Get a list of page numbers * $page->getPageList(); */ class Page { //Basic data var $sql; var $page; var $pageSize; var $pageStr; // Statistics var $pageCount; //Page number var $rowCount; //Record count //Result Data var $list = array(); //Array of result rows var $listSize ; //Constructor function Page($conn,$sql_in,$page_in,$pageSize_in,$pageStr_in) { $this->sql = $sql_in; $this->page = intval($page_in); $this->pageSize = $pageSize_in; $this->pageStr = $pageStr_in; //If the page number is empty or less than 1, the processing if(!$this->page||$this->page<1) { $this->page = 1; } //Query the total number of records $rowCountSql = preg_replace("/([\w\W]*?select)([\w\W]*?)(from[\w\W]*?)/i","$1 count(0) $3",$this->sql); if(!$conn) $rs = mysql_query($rowCountSql) or die(": error on getting rowCount."); else $rs = mysql_query($rowCountSql,$conn) or die(": error on getting rowCount."); $rowCountRow = mysql_fetch_row($rs); $this->rowCount=$rowCountRow[0]; //Calculate the total number of pages if($this->rowCount%$this->pageSize==0) $this->pageCount = intval($this->rowCount/$this->pageSize); else $this->pageCount = intval($this->rowCount/$this->pageSize)+1; //SQL offset $offset = ($this->page-1)*$this->pageSize; if(!$conn) $rs = mysql_query($this->sql." limit $offset,".$this->pageSize) or die(": error on listing."); else $rs = mysql_query($this->sql." limit $offset,".$this->pageSize,$conn) or die(": error on listing."); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { $this->list[]=$row; } $this->listSize = count($this->list); } /* * getPageList method generates a simpler page number list * If you need to customize the page number list, you can modify the code here, or use information such as total page number/total records to calculate and generate. */ function getPageList() { $firstPage; $previousPage; $pageList; $nextPage; $lastPage; $currentPage; //If page number > 1, the home page connection will be displayed if($this->page>1) { $firstPage = "<a href=\"".$this->pageStr."1\">Home</a>"; } //If page number > 1, the previous page connection will be displayed if($this->page>1) { $previousPage = "<a href=\"".$this->pageStr.($this->page-1)."\">Previous page</a>"; } //If it is not reached the last page, the next page connection will be displayed if($this->page<$this->pageCount) { $nextPage = "<a href=\"".$this->pageStr.($this->page+1)."\">Next page</a>"; } //If it is not reached the last page, the last page connection will be displayed if($this->page<$this->pageCount) { $lastPage = "<a href=\"".$this->pageStr.$this->pageCount."\">Last Page</a>"; } // List of all pages for($counter=1;$counter<=$this->pageCount;$counter++) { if($this->page == $counter) { $currentPage = "<b>".$counter."</b>"; } else { $currentPage = " "."<a href=\"".$this->pageStr.$counter."\">".$counter."</a>"." "; } $pageList .= $currentPage; } return $firstPage." ".$previousPage." ".$pageList." ".$nextPage." ".$lastPage." "; } } ?>
Usage example:
<?php @$db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '123456') or die("Could not connect to database.");//Connect the databasemysql_query("set names 'utf8'");//Output Chinesemysql_select_db('test'); //Select a database$sql = "select * from `users`"; //A simple query$page = new Page('',$sql,$_GET['page'],5,"?page="); $rows = $page->list; foreach($rows as $row) { echo $row['UserName']."<br>"; } echo $page->getPageList(); //Output paging list?>
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I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's PHP programming.