First install an msql server on the server "server", and set it to run with the service, and change the root password to kkk. Read the book in detail.
Create a database, such as: mygame, create a table: game
Field: id, data type is int, automatic numbering, indexing, primary key
Field: name, data type text
Field: dir, data type text
Field: num, data type int, default value is 0.
Read the book in detail.
Add a game:
Execute the command line mysql\bin\
Enter: insert into game (name,dir) values ('TLBB');
insert into game (name,dir) values ('Dreamland,'Mland');
…… ……
Add a line to the client startup program. Copy mysql\bin\ to %windir% in server
Called in the game, such as the Tianlong Bazi:
set gamepath=g:\TLBB
mkdir "%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Sogou PXP\"
mkdir "%ProgramFiles%\p4p\"
mkdir "%ProgramFiles%\p4p\"
cd /d "%gamepath%"
@echo UPDATE game SET num=num+1 where dir='%cd:g:\=%';>%windir%\temp\
@echo quit>>%windir%\temp\
%windir%\ -hserver -uroot -pkkk mygame<%windir%\temp\
All games are added after entering the directory and before executing.
@echo UPDATE game SET num=num+1 where dir='%cd:g:\=%';>%windir%\temp\
@echo quit>>%windir%\temp\
%windir%\ -hserver -uroot -pkkk mygame<%windir%\temp\
The data will be run once and the num value will be +1. It will take two days to study which games are good games and which games should be sent out of the Internet cafe.