Updated on 2025-03-09

Oracle Installation and Uninstallation Issues Collection (Collection) Page 2/6

Oracle 9i installation process
Environment: New CY1G, 256+128M, win2000 SP3, Oracle
1. Start OUI (Oracle universal installer) and select Next.
2. Select the installed product, namely Oracle Database. Click Next.

3. Selecting "Standard Edition" requires 2.8G of space (the main difference between these installation types is that the product is licensed in different ways, the Enterprise Edition only includes each possible option, while the Standard Edition requires a separate license for each option you want to use. The Personal Edition means a stand-alone installation that meets the testing purposes) Click Next. In the "Database Configuration Options", select Install Oracle only (Software Only) and do not install the database. After installing the Oracle software, use DBCA to create the database.
4. After installing Oracle software (excluding Oracle database), start DBCA (DataBase Configuration Assistant), and will guide you step by step to create a database (New Database).

5. After creating the database, start NCA (Net Configuration Assistant) and configure the listener for the database.
Oracle Net Configration Assistan:
Listener configuration: In the next step, the listener is named the default Listener, the network protocol is TCP, and the default port 1521 is used. Naming method configuration: Select local naming.
Local Net service name configuration: that is, modify the local file, add, select Next, enter the database global name, select TCP in the network protocol, enter the host name, and use the standard port. Use sys user test.

6. You can now log in to OEM independently (Sys/password as sysdba)
7. Create a data archive, start EMCA (Enterprise Manager Configuration Assiatan), and create a data archive for the database.

8. After creating the archive library, you can start Console to log in to Oracle management server. The default user name is sysman/oem_temp.

Oracle installation steps in dual-machine backup server
1. Install the complete Oracle database on one of the computers (with custom installation, do not create database instances)
2. Create a database through the Oracle Configuration Assistant, specify all database files, including control files, tablespace files, log files, etc. to the disk cabinet.
3. Install the Oracle database on another computer, specify the data file to the disk cabinet, and overwrite the previously established data file.
4. To keep the file Oracle\ora81\database\the same sub-files of the two machines, for example, if you import the dmp file on machine A, you need to copy it to machine B.
5. Change the Oracle service of the two machines to manual mode and switch through dataware software.
Delete one of Oracle
Software environment: 1. Windows 2000+ORACLE 8.1.7
2. The ORACLE installation path is: C:\ORACLE
Implementation method:
1. Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services, stop all Oracle services.
2. Start -> Program -> Oracle - OraHome81 -> Oracle Installation Products -> Universal Installer, uninstall all Oracle products, but Universal Installer itself cannot be deleted
5. Run regedit, select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE, and press the del key to delete this entry.
6. Run regedit, select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services, scroll this list and delete all Oracle portals.
7. Run regedit, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application, and delete all Oracle portals.
8. Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables Delete the settings related to Oracle in the environment variables CLASSPATH and PATH
9. Delete all groups and icons about Oracle from the desktop, STARTUP group, and program menus.
10. Delete the \Program Files\Oracle directory
11. Restart the computer and restart it before completely deleting the Oracle directory
12. Delete files related to Oracle, select the default directory C:\Oracle where Oracle is located, delete this entry directory and all subdirectories, and delete the following files, etc. from the Windows 2000 directory (usually C:\WINNT).
13. If there is a marked segment of [ORACLE] in the file, delete the segment
14. If necessary, delete all Oracle-related ODBC DSNs
15. Go to the event viewer and delete Oracle-related logs
If there is a situation where individual DLL files cannot be deleted, ignore them, restart and start a new installation.
When installing, select a new directory, and after the installation is completed and restarted, the old directory and files can be deleted.
Delete Oracle 2
If you need to uninstall Oracle, please run the installation file on the installation CD. In the "Welcome" window, select the "Uninstall Products" button and enter the "Invertory Directory" window: In this window, select the product you want to delete (mark √ in the box in front of the product name), and then click the "Delete" button; or directly find the Oracle installer under the Oracle for NT program group in the Start menu, and you can also uninstall Oracle.
After uninstalling the Oracle product, there is still relevant information in the system's registry. You can refer to the following methods to manually delete it.
Note: Operations on the registry may have serious impact on the system. Please back up before the operation to restore to the original registry if the system is abnormal. Please refer to the relevant instructions on the Windows system for this operation.
Run RegEdit, delete all Oracle entrances (if found) in the primary keys of "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services", and then restart the computer. If everything is normal, the modification is completed. If there is an error in startup, you may have an error in modifying the registry. Run RegEdit and import the backup registry item; if you delete "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle" in the registry by mistake, you can restore it by:
Change the value of Version in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Microsoft\DataAccess" from '2.1.1a' to '1.1.1a' and reinstall the financial software. The installer will automatically install MADC and restore "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle". (For Windows 95/98, please enter Dos mode immediately and copy the backup files (such as) back);
(For Windows NT, if startup fails, restart the computer. At the prompt, press the space bar to start the "Hardware Profile/Known Latest Correct Configuration" menu, which restores the registry to a stable state. Follow the instructions on the screen to restore the registry to the state when it was last successfully started.)
Installing Oracle9i on XP always reports an error prompting an error while loading the database: areasQueris
Answer: Remove Chinese from the installation path
Unable to start the listener - Ora-12560 error
1. Check whether the OracleOraHome92TNSListener service is started, if it is not started, it will start.
2. Make sure to keep the value consistent with the HOST (equal to the machine name or equal to the IP address, for example: HOST = springal) inside.
3. Configure the listener several times and then start the attempt.
4. Under DOS, the lsnrctl command enters the listener information window, use help to view the command help, and then use relevant commands to view the listener situation, and stop and start multiple times.
5. Check the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\OracleOraHome92TNSListener key and set ImagePath>D:\Oracle\Ora92\BIN\TNSLSNR (your installation directory)
6. Check whether the listener port you configured is used by other service stations (the default is port 1521). You can use netstat –a to view it under DOS.
7. Check whether your firewall or antivirus software blocks port 1521.
8. It is said that it also has something to do with your system. Reinstall Windows 2000 SP3. This problem is usually related to S3.
When Oracle starts, the listener does not start or opens error
Software environment:
1、Windows NT4.0+ORACLE 8.0.4
2. The ORACLE installation path is: C:\ORANT
Error phenomenon:
1. When ORACLE is started, the listener does not start or opens error
2. Server side: Logging in with username/password is normal, but logging in with username/password@alias is not successful
3. Client: Login with username/password@alias failed
1. If the NT machine name is modified, change all the host parameters in the file to the new NT machine name.
Just restart the OracleTNSListenr80 service.
For example:
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = NT_Name)(Port = 1521))
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = NT_Name)(Port = 1526))
2. Use the listener utility:
3. Check the listener parameter file: c:\orant\NET80\admin\
4. Check the listener log file: c:\orant\NET80\log\
5. File configuration is incorrect, reconfigure.
6. Check the client side
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