Shell version Nginx log spider crawl view script
Use the path to nginx log before
If more spiders are added to the code spider UA array
#!/bin/bash m="$(date +%m)" case $m in "01") m='Jan';; "02") m='Feb';; "03") m='Mar';; "04") m='Apr';; "05") m='May';; "06") m='June';; "07") m='July';; "08") m='Aug';; "09") m='Sept';; "10") m='Oct';; "11") m='Nov';; "12") m='Dec';; esac d="$(date +%d)" spider=( Googlebot Baiduspider Sogou YisouSpider 360Spider ) for i in ${spider[*]}; do echo -e "$i \t" `cat Here is modifiednginxaccesslog |grep $d/$m|grep $i|wc -l` done
The above is all about this article. I hope it will be helpful for everyone to be familiar with shell scripts.