In IIS Manager, right-click the local computer, point to All Tasks, and then click Backup/Restore Configuration.
In the Backup list box, click the version of the Automatic Backup file you want to restore, and then click Restore. If prompted for a password, type the password you selected to protect the backup.
How to redirect a website
When a browser requests a web page or program on a website, the web server looks for a web page identified by the URL and returns it to the browser. When you move a web page on a website, you cannot always correct all links that reference the old URL on that page. To ensure that the browser can find a web page located at the new URL, you can command the web server to "redirect" the browser to the new URL.
Requests for files in one directory can be redirected to another directory, another website, or another file in another directory. When the browser requests a file located at the original URL, the Web server commands the browser to request a web page by using the new URL.
Important: You must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer or must be delegated with the appropriate permissions to perform the following steps. As a best security practice, log in to the computer using an account that does not belong to the Administrators group, and then run IIS Manager as an administrator using the Run As command. At the command prompt, type runas /user:administrative_accountname "mmc %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\".
Redirect the request to another website or directory
In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, right-click the website or directory you want to redirect, and then click Properties.
Click the Home Directory, Virtual Directory, or Directory tab.
Under Contents for this resource come from, click Redirect to URL.
In the Redirect to box, type the URL for the target directory or website. For example, to redirect all requests to files in the Catalog directory to the NewCatalog directory, type /NewCatalog.
Redirect all requests to a single file
In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, right-click the website or directory you want to redirect, and then click Properties.
Click the Home Directory, Virtual Directory, or Directory tab.
Under Contents for this resource come from, click Redirect to URL.
In the Redirect to box, type the URL of the target file.
Select the "Accurate URL entered above" check box to prevent the web server from appending the original file name to the target URL.
You can use wildcards and redirect variables in the target URL to accurately control how the source URL is converted to the target URL.
You can also use the redirect method to redirect all requests to files in a specific directory to a program. Typically, you should pass all parameters from the original URL to the program, which can be done by redirecting the variables.
Redirecting the request to the program
In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, right-click the website or directory you want to redirect, and then click Properties.
Click the Home Directory, Virtual Directory, or Directory tab.
Under Contents for this resource come from, click Redirect to URL.
In the Redirect to box, type the URL for the program, including any redirect variables required to pass the parameters to the program. For example, to redirect all script requests in the Scripts directory to a log program (which records the requested URL and any parameters passed with that URL), type /Scripts/?URL=$V+PARAMS=$P. $V and $P are redirect variables.
Select the "Accurate URL entered above" check box to prevent the web server from appending the original file name to the target URL.