Updated on 2025-03-10

php simple backup and restore MySql

This article describes the simple backup and restore of MySql in PHP. Share it for your reference, as follows:

1. Backup:

header ( "content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" );
//Back up the database$host="localhost";
$user="root";//Database account$password="123456";//Database Password$dbname="test";//Database name//The account, password and name here are all transmitted from the pageif(!mysql_connect($host,$user,$password)) //Connect the mysql database{
 echo 'The database connection failed, please check and try again';
if(!mysql_select_db($dbname)) //Is the database exist?{
 echo 'The database does not exist:'.$dbname.', please check and try again';
mysql_query("set names 'utf8'");
$mysql= "set charset utf8;\r\n";
$q1=mysql_query("show tables");
  $q2=mysql_query("show create table `$table`");
  $mysql.=$sql['Create Table'].";\r\n";
  $q3=mysql_query("select * from `$table`");
    $mysql.="insert into `$table`($keys) values($vals);\r\n";
$filename="data/".$('Ymjgi').".sql"; //Storage path, stored at the outermost layer of the project by default$fp = fopen($filename,'w');
echo "Data backup was successful";

2. Restore

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
$filename = "";
$host="localhost"; //Host name$user="root"; //MYSQL username$password="123456"; //password$dbname="test"; //Specify the database name you want to recover here. If it does not exist, it must be created first. Please modify the database name yourself.mysql_connect($host,$user,$password);
$mysql_file="data/".$filename; //Specify the MySQL backup file path to be restored, please modify this path yourselfrestore($mysql_file); //Execute MySQL recovery commandfunction restore($fname)
 if (file_exists($fname)) {
  foreach($sqls as $sql)
  $a=explode(";\r\n", $sql_value); //Execute the database in segments according to the ";\r\n" condition  $total=count($a)-1;
  mysql_query("set names 'utf8'");
  for ($i=0;$i<$total;$i++)
  mysql_query("set names 'utf8'");
  //Execute the command  if(mysql_query($a[$i]))
  echo "The operation is completed, a total of $total commands are processed, the $cg commands are successful, and the $sb commands are failed";
  //Show error message  if ($sb>0)
  echo "<hr><br><br>The failed command is as follows:<br>";
  for ($ii=1;$ii&lt;=$sb;$ii++)
   echo "<p><b>Part".$ii."A command (content as follows):</b><br>".$sb_command[$ii]."&lt;/p&gt;&lt;br&gt;";
  }  //-----------------------------------------------------------
  echo "The MySQL backup file does not exist, please check whether the file path is correct!";

For more information about PHP related content, please check out the topic of this site:Summary of PHP's skills to operate database based on pdo》、《Complete collection of PHP+MongoDB database operation skills》、《PHP object-oriented programming tutorial》、《Summary of usage of php strings》、《PHP+mysql database operation tutorial"and"Summary of common database operation techniques for php

I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's PHP programming.