'SAP setup script
'Written by: SCZ 2005.04.20
'Last modified date: 2005.04.22
'The directory must exist: BW (patch file) and login interface
'Global variables, processing process
"This script can only run normally under the operating system administrator privileges of WIN2000/XP/2003, press 'OK' to continue"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("") 'File System Object
strWindir = GetWindir() �
strSystem= GetSystemPath()
strSapPath = GetSAPPath() 'SAP FrontEnd directory
strSapGuiPath = strSapPath & "SAPgui" 'SapGui Directory
strSapBWPath = strSapPath & "BW" 'BW Directory
strHostPath = GetHostFilePath() �
strServicesPath = GetServicesPath() �
Call CopyFiles() �
Call ModifyHost(strHostPath)
Call ModifyServices(strServicesPath) 'Modify SERVICES file
Call SetEvn(strSapGuiPath) 'Set environment variables
Call SetTCPIP(strServicesPath) �
"BW settings are processed, please manually install the SAP system patch"
'Get the SAP FrontEnd directory by registering
Function GetSAPPath()
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
strComputer = "."
Set objReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & _
strComputer & " ootdefault:StdRegProv")
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARESAPSAP Shared"
strEntryName = "SAPdestdir"
GetSAPPath = strValue
If IsNull(strValue) Then
"SAP registration information failed to be read, SAP is not installed or the system is damaged, installation is terminated"
End If
End Function
'Get the WINDOWS directory
Function GetWindir()
Const WindowFolder = 0
Set GetWindir = (WindowFolder)
End Function
'Get the SYSTEM directory
Function GetSystemPath()
Const SystemFolder = 1
Set GetSystemPath = (SystemFolder)
End Function
'Get the directory where the HOST file is located
Function GetHostFilePath()
GetHostFilePath = strSystem & "driversetc"
End Function
'Get the directory where the Services file is located
Function GetServicesPath()
GetServicesPath = strSystem & "driversetc"
End Function
'Copy the file
Function CopyFiles()
If NOT (strSapBWPath) Then
"The BW component is not installed. Please install the BW component of SAP first, and then run the script"
End If
Call ClearAttribs(strSapBWPath)
"Login interface*.ini" , strWindir
"" , strSapGuiPath & ""
"" , strSystem & ""
strBakFolder =strSapBWPath & "ak"
IF NOT (strBakFolder) Then
Call ClearAttribs(strBakFolder)
End If
strSapBWPath & "*.xla" , strBakFolder
"BW*.xla" , strSapBWPath
End Function
'Remove the file read-only attribute
Function ClearAttribs(strFolder)
Call ClearFileAttrib(strFolder & "")
Call ClearFileAttrib(strFolder & "")
Call ClearFileAttrib(strFolder & "")
Call ClearFileAttrib(strFolder & "")
Call ClearFileAttrib(strSystem & "")
End Function
'Remove the file read-only attribute
Function ClearFileAttrib(strFile)
If (strFile) Then
Set f = (strFile)
= 0
End If
End Function
'Modify the HOST file
Function ModifyHost(strHostPath)
strHostFile = strHostPath & "hosts"
strHostBak = strHostPath & ""
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
strHostFile , strHostBak
Set objFile = (strHostFile, ForReading, False)
strContents =
Set objFile = (strHostFile, ForAppending, False)
compResult = Instr(strContents,"")
If compResult = 0 Then ("" & Chr(9) & "bwprd")
compResult = Instr(strContents,"")
If compResult = 0 Then ("" & Chr(9) & "bwdev")
compResult = Instr(strContents,"")
If compResult = 0 Then ("" & Chr(9) & "bwqas")
End Function
'Modify the SERVICES file
Function ModifyServices(strServicesPath)
strServicesFile = strServicesPath & "services"
strServicesbak = strServicesPath & ""
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
strServicesFile , strServicesbak
Set objFile = (strServicesFile, ForReading, False)
strContents =
Set objFile = (strServicesFile, ForAppending, False)
compResult = Instr(strContents, "sapmsP01")
If compResult = 0 Then ("sapmsP01" & Chr(9) & "3600/tcp")
End Function
'Set environment variables
Function SetEvn(strSapGuiPath)
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\" & strComputer & " ootcimv2")
Set colItems = ( "Select * from Win32_Environment where name = 'SNC_LIB'")
Found = False
For Each objItem in colItems
If UCase() = "SNC_LIB" Then
Found = True
= strSapGuiPath & ""
End If
If (Found = False) Then
Set oEvn = ("Win32_Environment").Spawninstance_
= strSapGuiPath & ""
= True
= "<SYSTEM>"
= "OK"
Set oPath = oEvn.Put_
End If
End Function
'Set TCP/IP parameters
Function SetTCPIP(strServicesPath)
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
strComputer = "."
Set objReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & _
strComputer & " ootdefault:StdRegProv")
strKeyPath = "SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters"
strEntryName = "DataBasePath"
End Function