Updated on 2025-03-10

VBS implements automatic table classification according to specified table headers

'Drag the worksheet to the VBS script to automatically divide the table according to the specified table header
On Error Resume Next
If (0) = "" Then
Dim objExcel, ExcelFile, MaxRows, MaxColumns, SHCount
ExcelFile = (0)
If LCase(Right(ExcelFile,4)) <> ".xls" And LCase(Right(ExcelFile,4)) <> ".xls" Then
Set objExcel = CreateObject("")
= False
'Get the total number of initial sheets in the worksheet
SHCount =
'Get the number of valid rows and queues in the worksheet
MaxRows =
MaxColumns =
'Get the worksheet header list
Dim StrGroup
For i = 1 To MaxColumns
StrGroup = StrGroup & "[" & i & "]" & vbTab & (1, i).Value & vbCrLf
'The user specified the sub-table header and the input legal judgment
Dim Num, HardValue
Num = InputBox("Please enter the serial number of the subtable table header" & vbCrLf & StrGroup)
If Num <> "" Then
Num = Int(Num)
If Num > 0 And Num <= MaxColumns Then
HardValue = (1, Num).Value

Set objExcel = Nothing

End If

Set objExcel = Nothing

End If
'Get the header value of the sub-table table and the number of sub-table tables
Dim ValueGroup : j = 0
Dim a() : ReDim a(10000)
For i = 2 To MaxRows
str = (i, Num).Value
If InStr(ValueGroup, str) = 0 Then
a(j) = str
ValueGroup = ValueGroup & str & ","
j = j + 1
End If
ReDim Preserve a(j-1)
'Create a new SHEET and name it with the specified header value
For i = 0 To UBound(a)
If i + 2 > SHCount Then ,("sheet" & i + 1),1,-4167
For i = 0 To UBound(a)
("sheet" & i + 2).Name = HardValue & "_" & a(i)
'Write data in table
For i = 1 To MaxRows
For j = 1 To MaxColumns
str = (i,j).Value
If i = 1 Then
For k = 0 To UBound(a)
(HardValue & "_" & a(k)).Select
(i,j).Value = str
(1, MaxColumns + 1).Value = 1
(HardValue & "_" & (i,Num).Value).Select
If j = 1 Then x = (1, MaxColumns + 1).Value + 1
(x ,j).Value = str
If j = MaxColumns Then (1, MaxColumns + 1).Value = x
End If
For i = 0 To UBound(a)
(HardValue & "_" & a(i)).Select
(1, MaxColumns + 1).Value = ""

Set objExcel = Nothing
"Tip: The subtable operation for " & ExcelFile & " is completed"