This article describes the simple implementation of nodejs' chat function of TCP server and client. Share it for your reference, as follows:
Server side
var net = require('net'); var server = (); //Aggregate all clientsvar sockets = []; //Accept new client connection('connection', function(socket){ ('got a new connection'); (socket); //Read data from the connection ('data', function(data){ ('got data:', data); //Broadcast data //Whenever a connected user enters data, the data will be broadcast to all other connected users (function(otherSocket){ if (otherSocket !== socket){ (data); } }); //Delete closed connection ('close', function(){ ('connection closed'); var index = (socket); (index, 1); }); }); }); ('error', function(err){ ('Server error:', ); }); ('close', function(){ ('Server closed'); }); (4000);
var net = require('net'); var port = 4000; var quitting = false; var conn; var retryTimeout = 3000; //Three seconds, define three seconds and reconnect after re-connectionvar retriedTimes = 0; //Record the number of reconnectionsvar maxRetries = 10; //Reconnect at most ten times(); //The stream accepts the user's keyboard input. This readable stream is in a pause state when initialized. Call the resume() method on the stream to restore the stream('data', function(data){ if (().trim().toLowerCase() === 'quit'){ quitting = true; ('quitting'); (); (); } else { (data); } }); // When connecting, set to connect up to ten times, and turn on the timer before connecting for three seconds.(function connect() { function reconnect() { if (retriedTimes >= maxRetries) { throw new Error('Max retries have been exceeded, I give up.'); } retriedTimes +=1; setTimeout(connect, retryTimeout); } conn = (port); ('connect', function() { retriedTimes = 0; ('connect to server'); }); ('error', function(err) { ('Error in connection:', err); }); ('close', function() { if(! quitting) { ('connection got closed, will try to reconnect'); reconnect(); } }); //Print (, {end: false}); })();
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's nodejs programming.