This article describes the use of a circular list for PHP to solve the Joseph problem. Share it for your reference, as follows:
Joseph's question:
The Josephu problem is: Suppose n people with numbers 1, 2,...n sit in a circle, and the person with number k (1<=k<=n) starts to count from 1, the person with number to m is delisted, its next one starts to count from 1, the person with number to m is delisted, and so on, until everyone is delisted, thus generating a sequence of dequeue numbers. And find out which person is the last one to be listed?
PHP implements circular linked lists and solves Joseph's problem:
/** * Linked list structure */ class Child{ public $no; public $next=null; public function __construct($no=null){ $this->no = $no; } } /** * Linked List Operation */ class CycleLink{ private $nodeNum = 0; /** * Add node */ public function addNode($head,$node) { $currentNode = $head; while ($currentNode->next!=null && $currentNode->next!=$head) { $currentNode = $currentNode->next; } $currentNode->next = $node; $currentNode->next->next = $head; $this->nodeNum++; } /** * Delete nodes */ public function delNode($head,$no) { $currentNode = $head; while ($currentNode->next!=$head) { if($currentNode->next->no==$no){ $currentNode->next = $currentNode->next->next; $this->nodeNum--; break; } $currentNode = $currentNode->next; } } /** * Get the number of nodes */ public function getNodeNum(){ return $this->nodeNum; } /** * Find nodes */ public function findNode($head,$no){ $node = null; $currentNode = $head; while ($currentNode->next!=$head) { if($currentNode->next->no==$no){ $node = $currentNode->next; break; } $currentNode = $currentNode->next; } return $node; } public function getNextNode($head,$node){ if($node->next==$head){ return $node->next->next; } return $node->next; } /** * Display node */ public function showNode($head) { echo "<br/><br/>"; $currentNode = $head; while ($currentNode->next!=$head){ $currentNode = $currentNode->next; echo 'Part '.$currentNode->no.'A child<br/>'; } } } /* //Create a head head, the head is just a header, and does not put data in $head = new Child(); $childList = new CycleLink(); $child_1 = new Child(1); $child_2 = new Child(2); $child_3 = new Child(3); $child_4 = new Child(4); $childList->addNode($head,$child_1); $childList->addNode($head,$child_2); $childList->addNode($head,$child_3); $childList->addNode($head,$child_4); $childList->showNode($head); echo "<pre>"; var_dump($head); $findNode = $childList->findNode($head,3); echo "<pre>"; var_dump($findNode); $childList->delNode($head,2); $childList->showNode($head); echo $childList->getNodeNum(); exit(); */ /** * Joseph's question * Suppose n people with numbers 1, 2,...n sit in a circle, and the person with number k (1<=k<=n) starts to count from 1, and the person with number m is out of the list. * Its next one starts to count from 1, the person who counts to m is delisted again, and so on, until everyone is delisted, thus generating a sequence of dequeue numbers. * And find out which person is the last one to be listed? */ class Josephu{ private $head; private $childList; private $k; private $m; private $n; public function __construct($n,$k,$m){ $this->k = $k; $this->m = $m; $this->n = $n; $this->createList($n); // Create a child echo "<br/><br/>Currently there {$n} A little kid,From {$k} A little kid开始报数,Count to {$m} quit<br/><br/>"; } // Count public function exec(){ $currentNode = $this->childList->findNode($this->head,$this->k); // Get the first person to start counting $_num = 0; // The value currently reached $surplus_num = $this->n; // Start counting while ($surplus_num>1) { // As long as the number of people is greater than 1, continue to report the number // Current value $_num++; $nextNode = $this->childList->getNextNode($this->head,$currentNode); // Count to mth number and remove it. The report count returns to 0 and re-cycle. if( $_num==$this->m ){ $_num = 0; $surplus_num--; // The current child quits $this->childList->delNode($this->head,$currentNode->no); echo '<br/>Exit child number:' . $currentNode->no; } // Move to the next child $currentNode = $nextNode; } echo '<br/>The last child number:' . $currentNode->no; } // Create a child private function createList($n){ $this->childList = new CycleLink(); $this->head = new Child(); for ($i=1;$i<=$n;$i++){ $node = new Child($i); $this->childList->addNode($this->head,$node); } $this->childList->showNode($this->head); } } $josephu = new Josephu(4, 1, 2); $josephu->exec();
Running results:
No. 1 child
No. 2 Child
No. 3 Child
No. 4 Child
There are currently 4 children, start counting from the first child, and count to 2 and exit
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I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's PHP programming.