Updated on 2025-03-04

Detailed explanation of common usage of Android adb

ADB, or Android Debug Bridge, is an irreplaceable and powerful tool for Android developers/testers.

The connection between adb and application

1. Start/stop

Start the adb server command:

adb start-server

(Generally, there is no need to execute this command manually. If you find that the adb server is not started when running the adb command, it will be automatically called.)

Stop the adb server command:

adb kill-server

2. Check the adb version


adb version

The output is:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>adb version
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
Version 29.0.6-6198805
Installed as E:\program\android-sdk_r24.4.1-windows\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\

3. Check connected devices

adb devices

The output is:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>adb devices
List of devices attached
CVH7N16A12000234 device

Display parameters


adb shell settings get secure android_id

System version

adb shell getprop 

3. Resolution

adb shell wm size

The output is:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>adb shell wm size
Physical size: 1440x2560

4. Density

adb shell wm density

The output is:

Physical density: 560

5. Display parameters

adb shell dumpsys window displays

where mDisplayId is the display number, init is the initial resolution and screen density, and the height of the app is smaller than that init, indicating that there are virtual buttons at the bottom of the screen.

Adb interacts with the application

1. Check the front desk Activity

adb shell dumpsys activity | findstr "mFocusedActivity"

Get the full path:

adb shell dumpsys window | findstr mCurrentFocus

2. View running services

adb shell dumpsys activity services [packagename]

3View application details

adb shell dumpsys package [packagename]
command use
start [options] Start Activity
startservice [options] Start Service
broadcast [options] Send a broadcast
force-stop Stop the process

The options used to determine the intent object are as follows:

parameter effect
-a Specify an action, such as
-c Specify category, such as .APP_CONTACTS
-n Specify the full component name to specify which Activity to start, such as /.ExampleActivity
-W Output the complete open application process

The am (Activity Manager) command is to start an APP, start Activity, start broadcasting and services, etc.

4. Start the application

adb shell am start xx

For example:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>adb shell am start -W /
Starting: Intent { act= cat=[] cmp=/. }
Warning: Activity not started, its current task has been brought to the front
Status: ok
Activity: /.
ThisTime: 2916
TotalTime: 2916
WaitTime: 2936

5. Start Service

adb shell am startservice "/"

6. Stop Service

adb shell am stopservice [options] <INTENT>

7. Send broadcast

adb shell am broadcast -a ""

8. Forced stop application

adb shell am force-stop com.

9. Check the application installation path

adb shell pm path  (PACKAGE)

For example:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>adb shell pm path 

10. Check mobile apps

adb shell pm list packages 

You can add some parameters to filter to view different lists based on adb shell pm list packages. The supported filter parameters are as follows:

parameter Show list
none All Applications
-f Display the app-associated apk file
-d Only displayed disabled applications
-e Only enabled applications are displayed
-s Show only system applications
-3 Show only third-party applications
-i Show the installer of the application
-u Includes uninstalled apps

For example:
1. Print a list of third-party applications

adb shell pm list package -3

The output is:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>adb shell pm list package -3

2. Applications with a package name containing a certain character

C:\WINDOWS\system32>adb shell pm list packages tencent

Of course, you can also use pipe characters to filter:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>adb shell pm list packages | findstr tencent

11. Install apk

adb install  

Allow overwrite installation:

adb install -r 

12. Uninstall apk

adb uninstall 

Uninstall and retain data:

adb uninstall -k 

13. Specify the network port of adb server

adb -P <port> start-server

File Management

1. Copy the files in the device to the computer

adb pull &lt;File path in the device&gt; [Directory on the computer]

The directory parameters on the computer can be omitted and copied to the current directory by default.

2. Copy the files from the computer to the device

adb push &lt;File path on the computer&gt; &lt;Directory in the device&gt;

Event input

1. Simulate key operation

adb shell input keyevent < keycode > 

Different keycodes can implement different functions, the list is as follows:

 keycode: meaning 
3	HOME key
4	返回key
5	Open the dial app
6	Hang up the phone
24	Increase the volume
25	Reduce the volume
26	电源key
27	Photograph(Need in the camera application)
64	Open a browser
82	菜单key
85	Play/pause
86	停止Play
87	Play下一首
88	Play上一首
122	Move the cursor to the first line or the top of the list
123	Move the cursor to the end of the line or the bottom of the list
126	恢复Play
127	pausePlay
164	Mute
176	Open System Settings
187	Switch app
207	Open a contact
208	Open the calendar
209	Turn on the music
210	Open the calculator
220	Reduce screen brightness
221	Improve screen brightness
223	System sleep
224	Light up the screen
231	Turn on the voice assistant
276	If not wakelock 则让System sleep

Turn on and turn off the screen:

adb shell input keyevent 26

2. Slide the screen

adb shell input swipe x1 y1 x2 y2

Parameters represent: starting point x coordinate, starting point y coordinate, end point x coordinate, end point y coordinate

3. Enter text

adb shell input text 123

4. Simulate screen click event

adb shell input tap 500 500

Event output

1. Log information:

useadb logcatCan display log information


The dumpsys command can provide a lot of system information. You can view dumpsys services that can provide query information through the adb shell service list.
To list a few:
View battery information

adb shell dumpsys battery

Check alarm clock information

adb shell dumpsys alarm

3. Screenshot

adb shell screencap /imgpath/

4. Screen recording

adb shell screenrecord /imgpath/demo.mp4

imgpath can be obtained based on the photo path information in your album

The above is a detailed explanation of the common usage of Android adb. For more information about the usage of Android adb, please follow my other related articles!