Let's look at the code first:
using System;
using ;
using ;
using .Drawing2D;
/**//// <summary>
///**Program of high-quality thumbnails**
/// File:
/// Author: Zxjay Piaoyao)
/// E-Mail: tda7264@
/// Date: 07-04-07
/// </summary>
public class GenerateThumbnail
/**//// <summary>
/// Generate thumbnails Static method
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pathImageFrom"> Path of the source map (including file name and extension) </param>
/// <param name="pathImageTo"> The path saved by the generated thumbnail (including file name and extension)
Note: The extension must correspond to the generated thumbnail format.</param>
/// <param name="width"> The width of the thumbnail to be generated (pixel value) </param>
/// <param name="height"> The height of the thumbnail "Canvas" (pixel value) </param>
public static void GenThumbnail(string pathImageFrom,string pathImageTo,int width,int height)
Image imageFrom = null;
imageFrom = (pathImageFrom);
if (imageFrom == null)
// Source map width and height
int imageFromWidth = ;
int imageFromHeight = ;
// The actual width and height of the generated thumbnail
int bitmapWidth = width;
int bitmapHeight = height;
// The position of the generated thumbnail on the above "canvas"
int X = 0;
int Y = 0;
// Calculate the actual size of the thumbnail and its position on the "canvas" based on the source image and the thumbnail size to be generated
if (bitmapHeight * imageFromWidth > bitmapWidth * imageFromHeight)
bitmapHeight = imageFromHeight * width / imageFromWidth;
Y = (height - bitmapHeight) / 2;
bitmapWidth = imageFromWidth * height / imageFromHeight;
X = (width - bitmapWidth) / 2;
// Create canvas
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height);
Graphics g = (bmp);
// Clear with white
// Specify high-quality bicubital interpolation method. Perform pre-screening to ensure high-quality shrinkage. This mode produces the highest quality converted images.
= ;
//Specify high-quality and low-speed presentation.
= ;
//Draw the specified part of the specified Image at the specified location and at the specified size.
(imageFrom, new Rectangle(X, Y, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight), new Rectangle(0, 0, imageFromWidth, imageFromHeight), );
//After testing, .jpg, format thumbnail size and quality, is the best
(pathImageTo, );
//Show free resources
The generated thumbnail size is certain, without clipping or deformation.
You can test the size and visual quality of various graphic formats, graphic quality, and presentation methods.
After testing: Vista original default desktop.jpg format size: 1024*768,
Generate thumbnails of the original size, and compare them as follows:
Original image.jpg format, 223 KB
.jpg 102KB
.png 1816 KB
.gif 228 KB
.tiff 2000KB +
Visually, except for the poor quality of .gif, the others are indistinguishable from the source image with the naked eye (I am a little myopic^-^)
Taking into account factors such as patents and versatility, it is recommended to use the .jpg format.
using System;
using ;
using ;
using .Drawing2D;
/**//// <summary>
///**Program of high-quality thumbnails**
/// File:
/// Author: Zxjay Piaoyao)
/// E-Mail: tda7264@
/// Date: 07-04-07
/// </summary>
public class GenerateThumbnail
/**//// <summary>
/// Generate thumbnails Static method
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pathImageFrom"> Path of the source map (including file name and extension) </param>
/// <param name="pathImageTo"> The path saved by the generated thumbnail (including file name and extension)
Note: The extension must correspond to the generated thumbnail format.</param>
/// <param name="width"> The width of the thumbnail to be generated (pixel value) </param>
/// <param name="height"> The height of the thumbnail "Canvas" (pixel value) </param>
public static void GenThumbnail(string pathImageFrom,string pathImageTo,int width,int height)
Image imageFrom = null;
imageFrom = (pathImageFrom);
if (imageFrom == null)
// Source map width and height
int imageFromWidth = ;
int imageFromHeight = ;
// The actual width and height of the generated thumbnail
int bitmapWidth = width;
int bitmapHeight = height;
// The position of the generated thumbnail on the above "canvas"
int X = 0;
int Y = 0;
// Calculate the actual size of the thumbnail and its position on the "canvas" based on the source image and the thumbnail size to be generated
if (bitmapHeight * imageFromWidth > bitmapWidth * imageFromHeight)
bitmapHeight = imageFromHeight * width / imageFromWidth;
Y = (height - bitmapHeight) / 2;
bitmapWidth = imageFromWidth * height / imageFromHeight;
X = (width - bitmapWidth) / 2;
// Create canvas
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height);
Graphics g = (bmp);
// Clear with white
// Specify high-quality bicubital interpolation method. Perform pre-screening to ensure high-quality shrinkage. This mode produces the highest quality converted images.
= ;
//Specify high-quality and low-speed presentation.
= ;
//Draw the specified part of the specified Image at the specified location and at the specified size.
(imageFrom, new Rectangle(X, Y, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight), new Rectangle(0, 0, imageFromWidth, imageFromHeight), );
//After testing, .jpg, format thumbnail size and quality, is the best
(pathImageTo, );
//Show free resources
The generated thumbnail size is certain, without clipping or deformation.
You can test the size and visual quality of various graphic formats, graphic quality, and presentation methods.
After testing: Vista original default desktop.jpg format size: 1024*768,
Generate thumbnails of the original size, and compare them as follows:
Original image.jpg format, 223 KB
.jpg 102KB
.png 1816 KB
.gif 228 KB
.tiff 2000KB +
Visually, except for the poor quality of .gif, the others are indistinguishable from the source image with the naked eye (I am a little myopic^-^)
Taking into account factors such as patents and versatility, it is recommended to use the .jpg format.