Updated on 2025-03-10

Start → Run (cmd) command list page 1/2

CMD Running Instructions
Start → Run → CMD → just type the following command:
----Group Policy  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---Native user and group  ---Local service settings
oobe/msoobe /a----check whether XP is activated? notepad-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---Computer Management net stop messenger----Stop messenger service
charmap-------------Start character mapping table---Disk Management Utility
-----Chkdsk disk check --- Device Manager
regsvr32/u *.dll---Stop the dll file running drwtsn32---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rononce -p -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
regedt32------Registration Editor ---System Configuration Utility
------Group Policy Result Set  -----------Show memory usage
---Registration form  -------------XP comes with LAN chat
progman----------Program Manager</Article>Winmsd-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---Computer Performance Monitoring Program Winver------------- Check Windows Version
sfc /scannow----Scan the error and restore it. Winipcfg-----------IP configuration.
taskmgr----Task Manager (2000/xp/2003) Command---------cmd
Shared folders  netstat -an-----View port
osk Screen keyboard ----Modify the registration page
Event Viewer
Local security settings
>Assistant Tools Wizard
 > acs setup dcom server executable  
> Direct display of installation tools 
> Allow the program to open the data in the formulation directory 
> Show and change the corresponding list of computer ip and hardware physical addresses 
> Planning operation task
> Call Manager Statistics
> Show and change file and folder properties 
> Detect and repair the file system 
> Automatically convert the system during startup 
> Format the process during startup
> Use long file name format 
 > boot acceptance application for registry  
> The notice was successfully launched 
> Show and edit acl 
> Calculator 
> cd player 
> Queries related to terminal servers
> Character Mapping Table 
> Start or disable session logging 
> Change the port (terminal service)
> Change the user (terminal service)
> Disk Detection Program 
> Disk detection program 
> Composition of ci document service
> Display or change encrypted files or directories on ntfs 
> Index content
> Change cookies
> Disk Cleanup 
> sql customer network tools
> Scrapbook Viewer 
> Run the clipboard service
> Create a list of system file lists 
> Show the cluster of domains
_cmd_.exe > Nothing to say! 
> Automatic download connection management 
> Connection Manager 
> Connection Manager Monitoring
> Connection Manager Configuration File Installer
> Cluster 
> Comparison of the contents of two files and file sets*
> Display or change the compression status of files on the ntfs partition
> ime console 
> Control Panel 
> Convert file system to ntfs
> Convert iis log file format to ncsa format
> Convert display mode 
> Compared with this host version
> Client server runtime process
> Day to format conversion program
> Related to terminal server 
> dcom configuration properties
 > ?  
> ad installation wizard 
> dde Sharing
> It's just a debug! 
> fat partition disk defragmenter 
> ntfs partition disk defragmenter
dfs_cmd_.exe > Configure a dfs tree 
> Distributed file system initialization 
> Distributed file system server 
>Create cab files
> Disk performance counter 
> The main process of all com+ application software
> Disk Management Services 
> Part of the disk management service 
 > dns applications dns  
> Command line create macros 
> dos extension 
> Direct run help 
> Dr. Watson's error detection
> Doctor Watson Display and Configuration Management
 > installs mdtc  
> dvd playback 
> direct-x diagnostic tool
> Command line text editor (has a long history!) 
> Command line text editor (has a long history!) 
> ms database tool 
> type word creation program
> Event Viewer 
evnt_cmd_.exe > event to trap translator; configuration tool  
 > event to trap translator setup  
> Convert exe file to binary
> Decompression 
> Explanation of cab tools
> Quick access to hard disk files in memory
> Fax cover editing 
> Show fax queue 
> Send Fax Wizard
> Start the fax service 
> Comparison of the differences between the two files 
> Find the text line in the file 
> Find lines in the file 
> A user and display statistical results
> Fix mappi file 
> Allow or disable temporary file directory
> Show fonts in font files
> forces a file to start in dos mode. Force file to run in dos mode 
> popular windows game living solidar 
 > file transfer protocol used to transfer files over a network conne 
ction is ftp 
> graphic device interface graphic interface driver 
> program manager group convertor Converter Program Administrator Group
> displays help for windows 2000 commands display help 
> display hostname for machine. Show the hostname of the machine
> ie5 user install tool ie5 user installation tool
> customize folder wizard customized folder wizard
> create and setup packages for install packages for installation packages 
> restart iis admin service Restart the iis service
> keyboard language indicator applet keyboard language indicator
> windows 2000 ip configuration. View ip configuration
> ip security monitor ip security monitor 
> ipx routing and source routing control program ipx routing and source routing 
Control program 
> setup ftp for wireless communication wireless connection
> intersite messaging service install or delete service control manage
Services in r
> microsoft debugger for java 4 java4’s debugger
> convert a jet engine database Convert jet engine database
> compact jet database. Compress jet database 
> command-line loader for java java’s command line loader 
> core component for windows 2000 2000 Core Components
> change label for drives change the volume label of the drive 
> license compliance wizard for local or remote systems. license complies with 
Guide 
> ldif cmd line manager ldif directory exchange command line management
> terminal server license manager terminal service license agreement management
> display connection status lights display connection status 
> windows 2000 license manager 2000 license agreement management
> start the license server start the license server
> rpc locator Remote Location
> load perfmon counters Call performance count
> log current user off. Login user
> displays status of a remote lpd queue displays the status of the lpd print queue at the remote end, 
Display print tasks sent to a unix-based server 
> send a print job to a network printer. Redirect printing task to print on the network 
machine. Typically used by Unix customer printers to send printing tasks to printer servers connected to the printing device. 
> lsa executable and server dll Dll running lsa and server
> specifies the new dns domain for the default server Specify the default se
Rver's new dns domain
 > an os/2 warp server (os2 /o) os/2  
 > an os/2 warp server os/2  
 > an os/2 warp server os/2  
> on screen keyboard screen keyboard
> windows 2000 packager manager Object Packaging Program 
> combination of ping and tracert Programs containing ping and tracert
 > is a posix program and path names used as arguments must be specif  
ied in posix format. use "//c/users/default" instead of "c:usersdefault."  
Start the portable archive swap (pax) utility
 > used to check the pentium for the floating point division error 
. Check for floating point errors of pentium 
> starts windows performance monitor performance monitor 
> packet internet groper Verify the connection to the remote computer
> used for backward compatibility with unix For compatibility with unix
> cmd line used to print files Print text files or display the contents of the print queue. 
> program manager Program Manager
 > profile quota program  
> posix subsystem application posix subsystem application
 > displays the available application terminal servers on the net  
Show programs available to terminal servers on the network 
> display information about processes local or remote local or remote local or remote 
Process displays process information (terminal service required)
> query termserver user process and sessions query processes and dialogues 
> display information about a user logged on Show user login information (requires 
Terminal service)
> display information about terminal sessions. Show terminal service information
> start the remote access admin service start remote access service
> creates a ras connection Create a ras connection
> dial a connection Dial-up connection
> starts a ras connection Run ras connection
> copies a file from and to a rcp service. In windows 2000 computer and transportation
Copy files between systems that line the remote shell port monitoring program rshd ?
 > rdpclip allows you to copy and paste files between a terminal  
session and client console session. Copy and paste files on terminal and locally 
> recovers readable information from a bad or defective disk from bad
Recover readable information on the disk or defective. 
> starts the redirector service run the redirection service
> 32-bit register service 32-bit registration service
> modify registry permissions from within a script using scripts to modify registration
Permit 
 > register a program so it can have special execution character  
istics. Register a program containing special running characters 
 > registers and unregister's dll's. as to how and where it regi  
ster's them i dnt know. Register and anti-registration dll
 > options to tune debug options for applications failing to dum  
p trace statements  
trace settings 
> registration wizard Registration Wizard 
> replace files Replace files in the target directory with the file with the same name in the source directory. 
> reset an active section Reset the active part
> runs commands on remote hosts running the rexec service. Running 
Run commands on the remote computer of the rexec service. The rexec command verifies the remote computer before executing the specified command 
The username on it can only be used after the tcp/ip protocol is installed. 
> starts the remote installation service wizard. Run the remote installation wizard 
Service 
> display or edit the current routing tables. Control the network routing tables
> no longer supported No longer supported! 
 > router software that runs either on a dedicated dos or on an os
. Check for floating point errors of pentium 
> starts windows performance monitor performance monitor 
> packet internet groper Verify the connection to the remote computer
> used for backward compatibility with unix For compatibility with unix
> cmd line used to print files Print text files or display the contents of the print queue. 
> program manager Program Manager
 > profile quota program  
> posix subsystem application posix subsystem application
 > displays the available application terminal servers on the net  
Show programs available to terminal servers on the network 
> display information about processes local or remote local or remote local or remote 
Process displays process information (terminal service required)
> query termserver user process and sessions query processes and dialogues 
> display information about a user logged on Show user login information (requires 
Terminal service)
> display information about terminal sessions. Show terminal service information
> start the remote access admin service start remote access service
> creates a ras connection Create a ras connection
> dial a connection Dial-up connection
> starts a ras connection Run ras connection
> copies a file from and to a rcp service. In windows 2000 computer and transportation
Copy files between systems that line the remote shell port monitoring program rshd ?
 > rdpclip allows you to copy and paste files between a terminal  
session and client console session. Copy and paste files on terminal and locally 
> recovers readable information from a bad or defective disk from bad
Recover readable information on the disk or defective. 
> starts the redirector service run the redirection service
> 32-bit register service 32-bit registration service
> modify registry permissions from within a script using scripts to modify registration
Permit 
 > register a program so it can have special execution character  
istics. Register a program containing special running characters 
 > registers and unregister's dll's. as to how and where it regi  
ster's them i dnt know. Register and anti-registration dll
 > options to tune debug options for applications failing to dum  
p trace statements  
trace settings 
> registration wizard Registration Wizard 
> replace files Replace files in the target directory with the file with the same name in the source directory. 
> reset an active section Reset the active part
> runs commands on remote hosts running the rexec service. Running 
Run commands on the remote computer of the rexec service. The rexec command verifies the remote computer before executing the specified command 
The username on it can only be used after the tcp/ip protocol is installed. 
> starts the remote installation service wizard. Run the remote installation wizard 
Service 
> display or edit the current routing tables. Control the network routing tables
> no longer supported No longer supported! 
 > router software that runs either on a dedicated dos or on an os  

/2 system. route software in dos or os/2 system
> runs commands on remote hosts running the rsh service running rsh server 
Run commands on the remote computer of the service 
> mounts and configures remote system media Configure remote system media 
> remote storage notification recall remote storage notification echo 
> resource reservation protocol source reservation agreement
> run a program as another user allows users to run specified tools with other permissions and 
Programs 
> launches a 32-bit dll program start 32-bit DLL program
> causes a program to run during startup run the program and start the menu 
 > reset the session subsystem hardware and software to known ini  
tial values ​​Reset session subsystem hardware and software to the initial value 
> does not write to e: Not written in
> smart card resource management server sub-energy card resource management server
 > it will read the schema update files (.ldf files) and upgrade  
the schema. (part of adsi) Read the plan update file and update plan
> starts security editor help automatic security configuration management
> controls all the services Control all services
 > set high contrast - changes colours and display mode logoff to s  
et it back to normal set high contrast◥
> shows the software publishing state key values Displaying the country where the software is published
Home Language 
 > gui box prompts you to goto control panel to configure system co  
mponents Installer (go to Control Panel)
> set version for files set ms-dos version thems-dos thems-dos thems-dos thems-dos thereby the subsystem reports to the program.
No. 
> system file checker test and check system files for integrity system
File inspection 
> print services for macintosh Print macintosh service
> monitor another terminal services session.  Monitor another mid-range service
Device session
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